2 Psychiatry Faculty Receive 2020 Achievement Awards (Links to an external site)


Joan Luby, MD, director of the School of Medicine’s Early Emotional Development Program and the Samuel and Mae S. Ludwig Professor of Child Psychiatry, will receive the Carl and Gerty Cori Faculty Achievement Award. Douglas F. Covey, the Andrew C. and Barbara B. Taylor Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry at the School of Medicine, will receive […]

Kepecs named BJC investigator (Links to an external site)

Adam Kepecs, PhD, recognized internationally for his research on neural circuits responsible for cognition and decision-making, has been named a BJC Investigator and a professor of neuroscience and psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.

How team sports change a child’s brain (Links to an external site)

Adult depression has long been associated with shrinkage of the hippocampus, a brain region that plays an important role in memory and response to stress. Now, new research from Washington University in St. Louis has linked participation in team sports to larger hippocampal volumes in children and less depression in boys ages 9 to 11.

The view from the chair (Links to an external site)

Seven years ago, Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton (left) asked Andrew C. Taylor, executive chairman of Enterprise Holdings and a life trustee of the university, to chair the public phase of Leading Together.

Taylor Institute develops mice available from JAX Labs. (Links to an external site)

Also Known As: δ* KI δ* KI is a CRISPR/cas9-made knock-in allele with a T269Y mutation in Gabrd exon 8 that renders δ-containing receptor populations insensitive to picrotoxin (PTX). These mice allow chemogenetic isolation of δ-containing GABAA receptors, and may be useful for neurological studies of receptor, ion channel and synapse biology, neurotransmitters, and glutamate/GABA transmission.

Taylors Provide $10 Million to Accelerate Psychiatric Drug Development (Links to an external site)

I​n 2012, Andrew and Barbara Taylor and the Crawford Taylor Foundation pledged $20 million to the Department of Psychiatry at Washington University’s School of Medicine to establish a research institute dedicated to advancing new treatments for mental illnesses. Just six years later, investigators in the department’s Taylor Family Institute for Innovative Psychiatric Research are on […]

Taylor family establishes $10 million scholarship challenge (Links to an external site)

Barbara and Andrew Taylor

A $10 million commitment from Andrew Taylor, a life trustee at Washington University in St. Louis, and his wife, Barbara, will establish the Taylor Family Scholarship Challenge, which will match all new and increased gifts for undergraduate scholarships received by the conclusion of Leading Together: The Campaign for Washington University on June 30, 2018, as well as […]